What is DoGood?

“I am convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere.”

—Maya Angelou

How We Got Started

I have lived my whole life on a street lined with towering oaks that ends in a cul-de-sac. It’s a street that you could probably find in hundreds of suburban neighborhoods across the US. But there’s something very special about my street.

Neighbors on my street will drop off medicine for you if you’re sick. We’ll take in packages out of the rain if you’re not home. We’ll check in on you when the power goes out. We’ll bring food to the elderly on our block. We’ll pick up the kids from school in an emergency. We’ll walk each other’s dogs. These things that we do for each other is what makes my street so special - and what also makes it an incredibly strong little community.

My experience of being part of a close-knit community is not just limited to the people on my street. In fact, that experience has been repeated over and over again in my life: at fencing, at school, at church, with my friends. I came to realize that it is the little things that we do for each other, the ways that we serve each other - whether it’s driving a friend to a tournament, or checking in on a sick neighbor - that’s what makes our community what it is.

Underlying all of this is one simple truth: that when we serve each other, when we do good in our communities, we make that community stronger.

So I wanted to make my experience of being part of community, of being able to positively change a community by simple acts of service, something that fencers could experience for themselves.

That’s why I started DoGood, and that’s why we say: “Do Good Anywhere!” Because we want fencers and their families to do just that - do good wherever they find themselves, whether it’s at a NAC or at home.

We have the power to make communities stronger; we don’t have to wait for a special time or place. We can and should do good wherever we find ourselves, whenever we can.