Meet Our Team

Philip "Theo" Lin


Theo is known for famously having said on career day in kindergarten that he aspired to be “a retired worker.” One day he may realize that dream, but for now he’s not retiring from anything! When Theo is not fencing or studying, he is pursuing his passion for making a difference in his little corner of the world. He is responsible for making sure that DoGood is, in fact, doing good in the world and is not taking any days off from that - because he knows that serving our communities is a 24/7 commitment. At DoGood, Theo scouts out local organizations and works with them to develop service projects that will have a lasting positive impact in the local communities.
Theo is a saber fencer at Scarsdale Fencing Center and is coached by Archil Lortkipanidze and Maksim Lahotska.

Catalina Berrios


Catalina has always been described from a very early age as adventurous and fearless. She's given her parents several hand-wringing moments, like climbing a 14-foot bookcase at 18 months old. However, along with many such exciting historical moments, Catalina has also been known for being compassionate towards  animals in need and nursing injured ones back to health. When her family decided to get a dog, she was adamant it be a rescue. In essence, she's been a DoGooder all along! Catalina is excited to join DoGood as the Head of Social Media, happily sharing all the good that the fencing community is making in the world, one online post at a time.  Catalina is a saber fencer at Scarsdale Fencing Center and is coached by Archil Lortkipanidze and Maksim Lahotska. 

Ryan Katz


Ryan’s reputation for taking risks for the sake of a good cause is legendary. You will know him by his mop of unruly hair, or lack thereof every spring when he’s challenged to shave it all off to raise money for cancer awareness. When he’s not growing back his hair, Ryan is busy making sure that fencers and their families are aware of all of the opportunities to do good at NACs. He is in charge of DoGood’s engagement with the worldwide community through social media, and for making sure everyone everywhere knows what DoGood is up to!
Ryan is a saber fencer at Stamford Fencing Club and is coached by Alex and Alan Fotiyev.

Esha Nayak


If you’re a medical student at NYU, chances are that you may have encountered “patient Esha” at some point in your time at the simulation center. One of Esha’s passions is to help physicians in training by being a standardized patient. But, when Esha isn’t being a model patient, she’s trying to find other ways that she can give back to her community - usually something that doesn’t involve having to feign an illness! She is no stranger to volunteer work as a high schooler, and understands that high schools have service requirements for graduation. If you need a certification of service hours that you’ve performed on a DoGood service project, she will issue those. She is also in charge of reaching out to high schools across the US to introduce them to DoGood and confirm that DoGood service projects will meet the high school’s service requirement for graduation.
Esha is a saber fencer from Long Island Fencing Center and is coached by Khalil Thompson.

Lucas Suba


If you’ve ever been to a saber tournament, there’s no need to ask Lucas where he is. You can always locate him by his loud screams of victory - it’s like his own GPS system! When Lucas first started volunteering, he was overwhelmed by all the different ways he could help. He is going to use his experience of navigating his own volunteer projects to help you be involved in DoGood’s service opportunities. Lucas is our point person for registration - you have a question about registering for an event? Lucas is your man! He is also our “boots on the ground” for each DoGood service project, organizing meet-up points and day-of logistics related to each project. Along with his passion for fencing, he hopes to inspire and encourage other fencers to DoGood.
Lucas is a saber fencer training under Akhi Spencer-El at Peter Westbrook Foundation Fencing Club.