How To Get Involved

“Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as you can.”

—Hillary Clinton

How It Works

Every NAC will have at least one volunteer event. In order to participate, you must register for the event with your USFA membership number. Families and friends traveling with fencers are welcome to participate, and should be registered under the fencer’s USFA number.

Registration for the event starts the minute we are able to coordinate an event with the local organization, and closes the day before the first day of the NAC. Register using the “Be a DoGooder” link found above.

Fencers and participating family and friends must complete and sign all waivers and forms, and submit them online as directed. In the event there are any restrictions such as age, it will be noted on the event page.

Because the local organization is counting on your participation if you register, we will hold you accountable for no-shows. Any no-shows will not be allowed to participate in DoGood service events for the next NAC and must wait until the following NAC to register. We take this very seriously, as the local organizations are counting on our help. If we say we will be there, we need to show up!

Fencers and participating family/friends are encouraged to wear their DoGood t-shirts to the service event.

Recognition for Participation

We want every fencer to be a DoGooder! How much of a DoGooder you want to be is up to you. We have three recognition levels for DoGooders:

Participating Member

Earned by fencers participating in a DoGood service event at at least one NAC.

Community Agent

Earned by fencers participating in a DoGood service event at at least three different NACs.

Service Leader

Earned by fencers participating in a DoGood service event at at least five different NACs. Pictures and a short biography will be included in our team page.

Service recognitions are earned each season and must be re-earned for each season. Historic recognitions are kept on our website for reference.

More Detail on DoGood Service Projects


All of our service projects are stand-alone, meaning that they do not require specific skills or training. However, it is our hope that for fencers living in the local community, the DoGood service project opens up a channel into continued engagement with that local charity. We hope fencers who live locally will continue to serve their communities through those organizations.

Restrictions and Requirements

Depending on the local organization that we are engaging with, some service projects may have certain requirements, such as having an adult present or being a minimum age. Whenever possible, we try to organize projects with as little restrictions as possible, so that the entire fencing community can participate.

Type of Service Projects

The kinds of service projects we organize really depends on what is available in the area immediately surrounding the convention centers. The reason we try to stay as close to the convention centers as possible is to remove obstacles to fencers participating in these service projects. So, we want to ensure that if you want to serve the local community, you are not hindered by logistics such as transportation.

Some of the local organizations that we try to partner with include animal rescue organizations, humane societies, soup kitchens, food pantries, church-based charities, hospices, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and city parks and recreation. Our goal is to expose you to and give you an idea as to the different kinds of organizations that you can partner with in your own time and in your own community when you return home. We want to encourage you to continue serving your community - to do good wherever you are - and not just when you’re at a NAC. Simply put, we want you to “Do Good Anywhere!”

Time Commitment

We know you are busy with competing and with schoolwork! Hey, we are student-athletes, too! We understand that balancing everything you have to do in 24 hours is a feat unto itself. So, we try to limit service projects to one or two hours. But, if you find that you have more time, you are always welcome to register for multiple service projects at one NAC, or to arrange for extra service hours with the local organization.


When you register for a DoGood service project, you are required to acknowledge the standard DoGood waiver. However, some local organizations may require waivers specific to their organization. If this is the case, you will be required to complete and submit these in order to participate in that event.